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Hydroseeding is the application of seed and water slurry that contains fertilizer, tackifier, fiber mulch and other amendments as specified.

Hydroseed is a proven technique for the revegetation of barren slopes associated with site development. It has been successfully employed in forestry, mining, utility construction and urban development. Mulch, tackifier and other components provide temporary erosion control until the vegetation cover develops.

Used throughout BC since the 1960's, successful hydroseeding relies on specifications developed for the site including:

  • seed mix design and application rate

  • soil fertility requirements, plus post treatment considerations

  • tackifier rates for the soil type and erosion hazard

  • mulch rates adapted for the site microclimate

Experience in planning and design must be complemented by appropriate equipment and application techniques to ensure effective results.


Contact us at 604-607-0666 to discuss your project.

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